Yes, we do. The name of the company is Amstar. Amstar is a transportation company commonly used by many of the countries in which ATEC hosts events. They commonly wear blue Hawaiian shirts & will have clear signage outside the airport.
Frequently Asked Questions
After arriving, do we provide transportation from the airport to the show?
Are food, mini-bar, and room service included in the complimentary stay?
Most food, drinks (including alcohol), and room service is complimentary at ATEC shows. However, the resorts often have separate menu & alcoholic beverage options for purchase alongside the complimentary options. Those additional menu options are NOT covered by ATEC and are covered by the attendee.
Are all at show events mandatory?
Yes, all meetings are mandatory. Missing a scheduled meeting with a vendor could lead to your immediate expulsion from the current show as well as future ATEC events.
Do I have to attend all of my meetings, even if it’s a company I already do business with already?
Yes, all meetings are mandatory no matter your current business relationships with either buyers or sellers.
As a vendor, where do I set up?
For day one we will have a quick connection meeting which requires very minimal set up. Later that day, there will be 20 minute one on one meetings that take place in the vendor’s personal hotel room.We highly encourage you to put up promotional materials such as catalogs and merchandise. We STRONGLY DISCOURAGE bringing samples of any kind.
Should I bring samples to an ATEC event?
ATEC is a networking event. Samples, especially ones that might contradict with local laws, are strongly discouraged at ATEC shows. If you choose to bring in samples, you are doing so at your own risk.
Can I pre-purchase packages for all ATEC shows?
To prevent over saturation, we limit vendors & buyers to a maximum of two consecutive shows.